Summer love in winter


I wish that I could convey to you what just being here does for my soul. I love the life we've made for ourselves back home in Illinois. Our family, friends, home, gardens, community, all of it I'm grateful for and love living that life every day. And then there is Kauai. The lush flora everywhere and of course the expanse and majesty of the Pacific. As I exit the plane and go out into the open air terminal of Lihue airport the stress falls away and is replaced by vital calm. From our cliff side condo we hear and feel the distant low roar of the ocean. It's the waves crashing against the volcanic shores somewhere off in the distance. Fragrances of jasmine, plumeria and countless other flowers assault my senses as I walk...anywhere. We stay on the north shore in Princeville where life runs at a slower pace. No big buildings, not so many tourists, just super well kept grounds everywhere with large paths for walking. I also think the planners for this resort just got it right. They were planned to be apartments and when they weren't selling they became timeshares. So here, there is an openness that doesn't box you in and make you feel the hectic pressing in of tightly packed populations.  For us Kauai is not about what to do while we are here but just BEING here. When I've been deprived of the sun, its warmth and my flowers, the luxury of that summer love... suddenly, in the middle of the winter, is glorious. I've said it before and I'll continue saying it, that we never would have found this place if not for my Uncle Jerry and Aunt Deb who sold us their time share way back when. I honestly think most of them are scams but this one is the real deal and absolutely worth it. 

We skipped the hot tub last night and watched an episode of Vera. I like her character. She's more complex and not the usual detective trope.

Today we slept in, took a walk, lunched on the lanai while the nenes, cardinals, sparrows and magpies begged for crumbs. We can watch the whales breaching and making their huge splashes amid the white caps. Costco here sells dragon fruit juice so we had that mixed with some seltzer water. Delicious!! Haven't make a decision yet about what to do this afternoon. We're obviously in no hurry.

We ended up going into Hanalei and shopping. Found a store that had had a booth at Spouting Horn for years and all of their goods were an excellent value. Got my requisite Kauai t-shirt and some Hawaii playing cards. Kellan got a really cute anklet and an onyx vase. Kellan and I indulged in two huge scoops of shave ice that were supposed to be sized for children. I got the haupia (coconut) with macadamia nut ice cream on the bottom. Scrumtious! Kellan got lime and lychee.

The people we meet here inspire me to make retirement goals. I love seeing them here enjoying this moment before they go back home to their houses in Northern New York, Minnesota, Colorado, California, Nevada, Idaho, etc. There's so much to learn from them and they love passing it along. Tonight at the hot tub we met some true OG's from Kansas. They bought their condo in the 80's when their kids were in college. They stay here from November to May and VRBO the condo for the rest of the year, which pays for their winter trip and condo expenses. See? Goals! His daughter is going to move here next month and will work in the ER. I asked the husband if he ever regretting buying their condo and he said not at all. The wife didn't say anything. Earlier, she did say she missed a lot of her grand children's lives. Watching their games on Zoom isn't the same as being there. That's where I struggle. I want to be available for my kids. But I'm telling you, if the golden opportunity presented itself...


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